Mother & Baby Maltese

Mother & Baby Maltese

After a dog has a litter of puppies the coat can lose condition and become brittle, thin, and even have bald spots.  Hardly surprising given that she has just complete 9 weeks of pregnancy, given birth, and nourished an entire litter of cute - but demanding babies!  Her body has transferred much of her vitamin and mineral supplies to her babies to give them the best start in life.  This takes its toll on the hair.

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In the Beginning.....Asian Fusion Grooming

In the Beginning.....Asian Fusion Grooming

Love it or hate it, it's swept the country by storm and both groomers and pet owners alike can’t get enough of it.  We are fascinated by the styling, by the shapes, by the seemingly endless permutations, and the technical challenges it presents.   ‘How to do Asian Fusion grooming’ is very high on the list of Google’s most popular search terms, with visual references but very little instruction coming back to feed our hunger for more knowledge.  

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Not All Scissors Are Born Equal

Not All Scissors Are Born Equal

One of the questions I frequently get asked is, which scissors do you recommend. However, there are some questions and variables to be considered before making your choice. Questions such as the type of coat that you will use them on, and size of the dog, or the [grooming] style you are trying to achieve, will all play a part. Do you need them to remove bulk hair, finish the style off with texture, make the surface smooth and blemish free, or to leave a more natural finish perhaps?

Of course, different scissors do different jobs, but many can be multi-functional. Choosing between them can be a minefield and the best advice is to do your research, listen to recommendations from others, try them out if you can, and be prepared to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince … or princess!

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